Friday, May 30, 2003

Wolfowitz Comments Revive Doubts Over Iraq's Mass Destruction Weapons
By Robert H. Reid Associated Press Writer
Published: May 30, 2003

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - European critics of the Iraq war expressed shock Friday at published remarks by a senior U.S. official downplaying Iraq's weapons of mass destruction as the reason for the conflict. In an interview in the upcoming issue of Vanity Fair magazine, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz cited "bureaucratic reasons" for focusing on Saddam Hussein's alleged arsenal and said a "huge" reason for the war was to enable Washington to withdraw its troops from Saudi Arabia.

"For bureaucratic reasons we settled on one issue, weapons of mass destruction, because it was the one reason everyone could agree on," Wolfowitz was quoted as saying.

He said one reason for going to war against Iraq that was "almost unnoticed but huge" was the need to maintain American forces in Saudi Arabia as long as Saddam was in power.

Those troops were sent to Saudi Arabia to protect the desert kingdom against Saddam, but their presence in the country which houses Islam's holiest sites enraged Islamic fundamentalists, including Osama bin Laden.


They don't even care. They could care less that they lied.



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