Sunday, June 22, 2003

Democrats urged to challenge Bush's credibility
Failure to find weapons in Iraq may be election issue

By Jeff Zeleny - Special To The Sun - Originally published June 22, 2003

ST. PAUL, Minn. - Democratic leaders are urging the party's presidential candidates to aggressively take the Bush administration to task for failing to find chemical or biological weapons in the seven weeks since the president declared an end to major combat in Iraq.
Although the issue should not become overtly politicized, the party leaders said, the lingering uncertainty over the justification for war in Iraq poses legitimate and larger questions about the credibility of the Bush administration.

Taking into consideration concerns about the economy and an uneasiness about eroding civil liberties, several party officials say they are more optimistic now that President Bush can be defeated than they were at any other point during his first 29 months in the White House.

"If the president had an Achilles' heel, up until a week ago it was the economy," said Mike Erlandson, the chairman of Minnesota's Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. "But what potentially is a bigger Achilles' heel than the economy and the loss of jobs, and a surplus that's turned into a deficit, is the issue of weapons of mass destruction."

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I see a real problem here. Limiting this discussion to Democratic candidates plays into the hands of the GOP & the Rove Media machine. They will attack the candidates for politicing things just to boost their ratings as a Democratic hopeful. While never addressing the issue they will shout down each and every one of these presidential hopefuls.



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