Wednesday, June 11, 2003

a letter to the Editor from the Boston Globe

Bush's crime is worse than Nixon's

6/11/2003 -

IT IS becoming increasingly clear that the Bush administration lied to the American people and the world about Iraq. In the face of the lack of evidence of a chemical or biological weapons program that provides an imminent threat to our country, or a link between Iraq and Al Qaeda, President Bush, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, and Dick Cheney have started spinning extraordinary explanatory tales to obfuscate the truth.

In this case there is a simple explanation for the lack of weapons findings, and it is Bush's desire to test the power of Bush's new empire. His crime, which resulted in a war supported by few and opposed by many, is much worse than Nixon's Watergate break-in or Clinton's sexual indiscretion. Bush's crime erodes the trust needed for democratic government and makes war and death the province of a small clique at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

It is time for the public and the media to recognize that the effect of the Bush policy has been a putsch of democracy. Perhaps the opposition party will consider the damage done by its previous acquiescence and act to regain our confidence by calling for the impeachment of this clique.


Boston University School of Public Health

Well said.



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