Poll: Majority Backs Use of Force in Iran
By Richard Morin and Claudia Deane
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, June 24, 2003; Page A01
Most Americans would support the United States taking military action to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons despite growing public concern about the mounting number of U.S. military casualties in the aftermath of the war with Iraq, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
President Bush last week said the rest of the world should join the United States in declaring that it “will not tolerate” nuclear weapons in Iran—a vow that most Americans appear willing to back with force. By 56 percent to 38 percent, the public endorsed the use of the military to block Iran from developing nuclear arms.
Support for a military solution in Iran came despite rising concern about the growing number casualties among U.S. military personnel in neighboring Iraq. About half said the current level of U.S. dead and wounded is “acceptable”—down from two-thirds in early April.
The survey also found that support for the war with Iraq as well as for the way Bush is handling the situation in that country remains strong, but may be slowly ebbing.
Two in three—67 percent—of those interviewed said they approve of the way Bush is dealing with Iraq. That’s still a strong majority but down from 75 percent in late April, at the end of the conflict. Nearly as many—64 percent—said the benefits of the war outweighed its cost, a drop from 70 percent in the late April survey.
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Can't we at least have a war in our own time zone? For crying out loud. Someplace we could turn into a vacation destination at a minimum.
Monday, June 23, 2003
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