2 Points:
1) These machines need additional software modifications beyond the numerous security fixes.
They need to create a digital audit trail. A simple cash register creates a digital and paper audit log or Register for each transaction. These machines need to do the same. This digital paper trail that then can be matched to any paper ballots.
Data Fields:
- Transaction #
- Date and Time of transaction
- Items in transaction
- Transaction end time
- Customer/Voter # (if appropriate)
There of course would be many more highly technical fields of data to be tracked as well (Sum Check data etc)
2) Above all - The software code that counts the votes must be public domain or open source - NO ONE should be allowed to hold in secret or under copyright control the very mechanism that counts our votes.
How much more simple could it be?
How much is our Democracy worth?
Monday, March 08, 2004
PREMISE: A cabal of evil Rethuglicans have taken over the electoral process in this country by way of the new touch screen and other electronic voting machines. Arm yourself with knowledge. It is the only way we can take back democracy. Please visit these links for background info: http://www.BlackBoxVoting.com & http://www.verifiedvoting.org
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